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Strengthening Legal Foundations for Climate Ambition & Compliance Climate Law and Governance Day 2019

Climate Law and Governance Day 2019

Universidad Autónoma de MadridUniversidad Autónoma de Madrid, Calle Kelsen, 1, 28049 Madrid



AEDEN co-organiza el simposio:

Strengthening Legal Foundations for Climate Ambition & Compliance 

Climate Law & Governance Day 2019

El Viernes 6 de diciembre de 2019

Durante la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático COP25
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Facultad de Derecho, 1 Calle Kelsen, 28049 Madrid, España

8:30 AM – 6:00 PM

La participación de AEDEN tiene lugar de 13:45 a 15:00 Concurrent Experts Panels (III)
Panel de expertos: Energy Transition, Regulation and Climate Change (Salón Katowice)
Key Questions: What energy law principles relate to the model of governance and climate change in the context of the energy transition? What is the role of governance in the energy and climate change policy? What are the novelties of the energy policy derived from the Winter Package for the European Union? Will the voluntary adoption of GHG reduction commitments by Latin American countries under the Paris Agreement mark the end of fossil fuels in their energy system, and what regulatory mechanisms contribute to the energy transition in Latin America? 
Chair: Dr. Vicente López-Ibor Mayor (Chairman, EFELA &  AEDEN)
Speakers & Discussants: Prof. Dr. Christian Pielow (Director, Institute for Mining and Energy Law, RuhrUniversity Bochum); Prof. Dr. Iñigo del Guayo (Professor, University of Almería /Vice President, AEDEN); Ms. Margarita Nieves Zárate (PhD Researcher, Faculty of Law, University of Groningen / Board Member, Energy Community of Young Researchers ECoYR, the Netherlands).